Monday, September 24, 2007

I am no longer a child

Today was a so-so day. I got back from work in the a.m, had breakfast. Stuffed d net, ate some more food.......i will soon blow up/out i swear.

I slept for a lil while but dis lil sista of mine would not keep yelling sunmi( ma name is funmi but her lil 2 yr old self has chosen to call me sunmi) from up d stairs.

sunmi eat was all she kept saying, but once i poured her a bowl of cereal, she wanted to watch spongebob squarepants..... Jeez spongebob is not on Tv 24/7 ireti.

Then dis stupidendious on-demand pple only have spongebob running for 14 pple how is dat ma fault? i need to hit wallmart with full force and get dis get a DVD o.

Today, i realized that i am not that young anymore. I was extremely impressed by one of my new frnds. she's 22 and she owns a home that she rents out......... i was amazed and very dissapointed at myself.
But Gods time is the best they say......... I intend to live a day at a time....

Dear blog, i've got a jornal review due tomorrow, this woman no even talk how many page she wants or anything, she no even talk wetin she want make person write, she just wants a jornal review? how easy can that be? ( being very sarcastic).


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